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Battery Type:
No, the battery cannot be replaced. The Surface Transceiver features a sealed design with a built-in battery that must be charged using the provided charging cable.

ContConnection Quantity Recommendation:
Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of connections. However, to ensure orderly operation, it is recommended to connect no more than 5 Underwater Transceiver-Mini units simultaneously.

Not compatible, so they cannot communicate with each other.

Clicking Too Fast or Too Slow:
The interval between each click to start or end recording should be about 500 milliseconds. Clicking too quickly or too slowly may not activate the recording function. For detailed instructions, please refer to the [Quick Start Video](link to video).

1. Equipment Issues:
If you are unable to establish a connection between the Surface Transceiver and the diver, it may indicate a device malfunction. Please return the entire product set for free repair if it is within the warranty period.

2. Environmental Interference:
If the call quality is inconsistent, ensure you avoid the adverse conditions mentioned in the manual. For example, issues may arise if the distance between the diver and the Surface Transceiver exceeds 30 meters or if there are obstacles like steep slopes, sunken ships, or tall aquatic plants in the signal path. Try improving these conditions and test again.

1. Timing for Releasing the PTT Button:
While in transmission mode, hold the PTT button until the entire message has been sent. Releasing the button prematurely may result in incomplete messages. If multiple people are speaking simultaneously and causing interference, please wait and repeat your message.

2. Signal Obstructions:
There may be obstructions in the underwater transmission path causing intermittent signals.

1. Maintain Proper Distance:
The recommended distance between the Surface Transceiver and your face is 30 centimeters. Before speaking, call out the diver's name to get their attention.

2. Increase Volume:
Surface personnel should try speaking louder.

Protection Rating:
The device has an IP54 rating, which protects against water splashes from any direction. Avoid dropping the Surface Transceiver into water. It is recommended to use the included anti-loss strap to reduce the risk of accidental drops.

Charging Time:
Approximately 2 hours. A steady green light indicates that charging is complete. Please use a 5V/1A adapter purchased from a reputable source.

Battery Life and Charging Advice:
With a full charge, the Surface Transceiver provides approximately 4 hours of continuous use (based on laboratory data). If the battery runs low, you can also use a power bank to continue operation.

Effective Communication Range:
Approximately 75 meters, though actual distance may be affected by water conditions.

Storage Capacity:
The Surface Transceiver has a 32GB TF card that can store approximately 320 hours of audio recordings.

Connection Recommendation:
Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of connections. However, to ensure orderly operation, it is recommended to connect no more than 5 Underwater Transceiver-Mini units simultaneously.

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